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Texas State Court Support
Grey avatar
Written by Grey
Updated over a year ago

DocketBird currently has deep integration with the Dallas County courts. We offer the following features with respect to those courts:

  • support for Civil District, County Court at Law, Criminal District, County Criminal, Probate, Family District, Justice of the Peace, and Tax Court;

  • monitor cases for new activity, even if you are not attorney of record;

  • real-time notices of new activity (if you are an attorney of record and receive filing notices from the court);

  • download and refresh docket sheets;

  • download documents, name them according to your custom filename format, and email them as attachments;

  • OCR all documents and provide full-text search;

  • upload documents to your document management system, including iManage, NetDocs, Clio, Dropbox, Box, Litify, Filevine, or to your custom-built system;

  • search cases by case number, party name, and other criteria;

  • (coming soon) create New Case Alerts to inform you when a new cases has been filed involving a party of interest.

If you are an attorney of record in cases venued elsewhere in Texas, and you are receiving email filing notifications from the court, you may request Basic Integration with DocketBird. Just contact us by clicking the support icon in the lower-right corner of the screen.

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